A day in the Life at Little Lights Preschool

Every morning the classroom is set up with provocations. A provocation is an open ended activity that doesn’t have a prescribed outcome instead it is designed to stimulate ideas, initiative and imagination for children, whether they choose to explore their ideas alone or in groups. Provocations are simple and displayed beautifully to provoke interest. During provocations, the children are slowing down, looking closely, noticing new things and looking at what is set up for them to explore. They are learning how to use tools such as magnifying glasses, droppers, rolling pins and more. The children develop their fine motor skills as well as their concentration and eye-hand coordination, as they engage in these activities. Children work one-on-one with teachers, in groups or alone.  


At centers, the children get a chance to explore the activity centers on their own. 

These focus centers allow them to learn new skills in the way they learn best – through play! Daily centers include art, fine motor, manipulatives, building, writing and sensory.


We welcome each child and the new day of learning with fun songs in English and Hebrew. Classic Jewish prayers and blessings are sung together.


Our outdoor play time focuses on group cooperative play and gross motor skills. With our water tables, slides, and tricycles, there is plenty of opportunity for fun in the sun.
Even when skies are gray, young children need time for their gross motor activities.

We take the children to our Inclement Weather indoor playground.
In this room the children practice gross motor skills. This room includes tunnels,
climbing wall, balancing beams, trampolines, and exercising bikes. There is a lot of space for the children to explore the different activities.


Twice a day, we join together for an engaging learning conversation about the theme of the day. Through storytelling, puppet shows, visual aids and props; teachers guide a hands-on discussion with the children. We explore Jewish Holidays, Judaic practice, Hebrew and English Alphabet, science and social skills. Our discussions are followed up by a related art or activity.


Meal times are another opportunity for learning at Little Lights. We provide catered delicious hot lunch. During meal times we learn about independence, manners, responsibility and blessings on food.


 A quiet time to rest or sleep (in the younger classroom). Children can choose to do a quiet activity while resting on their mat and listen to soft music or a story. Younger children sleep for at least an hour.